a group exhibition featuring artworksby 58 Berlin based artists
From the 29th of April until the 1st of May, 2016, THE ART UNION presented the group exhibition WHAT THE WEEKEND IS GALLERY at Urban Spree Galerie (Revaler Str. 99, in Berlin-Friedrichshain). The opening reception took place on 28th of April. The title of the exhibition was chosen in humoristic reference to the official Gallery Weekend in Berlin, which took place during the same time. While Urban Contemporary Art is hardly shown at the official Gallery Weekend it still is a defining characteristic of Berlin. THE ART UNION aims to bridge this gap through presenting divers artistic perspectives following the idea of ONE CITY – ONE WEEKEND – ONE GALLERY – 58 ARTISTS. The exhibition was thematically created along the lines of different subgenres and styles of this young genre of art in a non representative way. All presented artists have in common that their work is found in public spaces as well as in galleries or museums. Other binding elements are their global citizenship and their generational experience. While all artists are based in Berlin, not all of them are German: Some artists originate from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, Japan oder Canada, others come from the Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, Spain, Hungary, the USA or the United Kingdom. Apart from a few exceptions, all were born after 1980. Even though the creativeness of the Berlin Urban Contemporary Art scene cannot be depicted in these 58 artistic expressions, this exhibition aims to display the richness of Urban Contemporary Art in the city. Because of that female artists will not be marginalized, but are in fact a vital part of WHAT THE WEEKEND IS GALLERY.
44flavours - Above - Addison Karl - Alaniz - Andrea Wan - Anna Taut - BASE23 - Bene Rohlmann - Bert van Wijk - Billy - Björn Heyn - BLO - Bruce - Christoph Rode - Dave the Chimp - Duncan Passmore - DXTR - Ed Bats - EMESS - Falk Land - Felix Gephart - Gogoplata - HRVB - James Bullough - James Reka aka REKA ONE - JAW - Da Mental Vaporz - Jim Avignon - Johannes Mundinger - Joseph Loughborough - Julia Benz - Kenan - Kera1 - KLUB7 - Lake - LOOK the Weird - Low Bros - Mario Mankey - Matthias Gephart aka Disturbanity Graphics - Mina - MKMX - MYMO - Niels de Jong - Nils Leimkühler - Pablo Benzo - PlusMinus3 - Polina Soloveichik - Quintessenz - Rein Vyncke - Rylsee - Sandra Rummler - Stand der Dinge - Sokar uno - Twoone / Hiroyasu Tsuri - Untune - Various Gould - Vidam - WESR - XOOOOX - ZEBU
28th of April – 1st of May
Thursday, April 28th: 19 - 24 hFriday, April 29th: 12 - 19 hSaturday, April 30th: 12 - 19 hSunday, May 1st: 12 - 18 h
Phillipp Barthpb [at] the-art-union.de
Diana Bachdb [at] the-art-union.de